Change Of Training Times
Added on 16 June 2015
Due to the number of athletes attending training and a lack of coaches, the UNDER 15 AGE GROUP (only) will change training times to Wednesday 7 - 8pm for the summer season. All other age groups will remain as normal (U11 and U13 7 -8pm Tues / U17 and above 8 -9pm Tues.)
Wednesday 17 June 7 - 8pm will be the first new session for the U15s
There will be no Wednesday training on the 24 June due to other
commitments. Tuesday 23 June training as normal (U15 to attend 8 - 9pm on Tuesday). Wednesday training restarts Wednesday 1 July.
There will then be a break from training for all athletes for the first 3 weeks of the school holiday. Training then restarts on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 (U15 only) July.
Clear? Hopefully, if not questions to Tom!