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Ross County Athletics Club

Club Virtual Races

Added on 20 April 2020

Race #1 Club virtual 5k -

To keep you crazy folk on your toes the first virtual race for the club will commence next week. You have from the 19th April to the 25th to run a 5k. There will be other races in the series of different distances. There are rules -

1. You finish where you start. So 2.5k out and same back. This will stop wind assist runs or downhill runs. No lap runs allowed.

2. Send your garmin or strava activity to me by midnight on the 25th.

3. The results will be age graded before points added. So dont worry you are racing against younger or older persons it will all even out.

4. Remember social distancing and be courteous to other people who you may encounter on your run by giving them required distance on passing.

5. Times will be taken from the elapsed time not moving time in order to stop people stop and restarting watch through the run.

Get involved, have fun and stay safe.
