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Ross County Athletics Club

Tattie Holidays

Added on 07 October 2015

There will be NO official training over the October tattie holidays,  as Tom
is away in sunnier climes, warm weather training.
In the meantime, keep on running, especially up and down hills, do lots of
cross-training, I will be and watch FB for any endurance training.
Adults, feel free to use our FB page to advertise any training runs you are
doing and are happy for our athletes to join.
At the moment, everyone is back training on 27th, U11s & 13s 1900-2000,
U15s, 17s & Seniors 2000 - 2100.
Be prepared for changes to these times, which will be promulgated via
e-mail, facebook and
Nairn Cross-country 31st October, book your seat on the bus NOW, by

Keep on running Tom Mathieson Coach

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