Added on 12 December 2014
Please note that there will be NO indoor training this Tuesday 16 Dec 14, due to the School Social. However, there will be an outdoor endurance session for both groups, 7-8pm. Come prepared for town running in whatever weather.
Indoor training will resume on Tuesday 13th January 2015.
On Tuesday 6th January 2015, there will be another outdoor endurance session for both groups, 7-8pm as welll as:
A Leading Athletes Workshop on Tuesday 6th January 2015, 6pm – 9pm, in Dingwall Academy, for ages 14+. This is a no strings attached opportunity for you to gain an insight into what goes on in our club on training nights. We are not asking for any commitment from you, other than to come along and join in on the night. If it so happens that you wish to take your new found knowledge further, then we will be happy to welcome you along, as often or as little as you can manage or indeed want! Details of the workshop are given below. Places are limited, so, please let me know if you would OR would not like to attend, by responding to ASAP