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Ross County Athletics Club

Training News

Added on 24 August 2010
ALL  of our competitive age groups in this years Petrofac Athletics League, have made it through to the final.  A BIG WELL DONE, to everyone involved in this great achievement.
Prior to the Final on 5th Sep 10, we will be having an extra training session on Monday 30 Aug 10, at Queens Park Stadium, Inverness, from 1830 – 2030. The session is free and is open to all athletes and will be a great opportunity to have a run, jump and throw in the stadium, before we compete in the 2010 Petrofac Final. We will be using this training session to help finalise our team selection for the final.

There will be a mini-bus leaving Dingwall Academy at 1800, cost £1.50 return. Contact Tom to reserve a seat, or if you have a spare seat and are able to offer a lift, 01349830621,, first come first served. It would be a great help if you could let us know: if you will/will not be coming along on the 30th and if you are /  are not available for selection for the Final.


If you have borrowed a club vest, or are a member with more than one club vest, please return them to Tom.


There will be no Invergordon training for the next two weeks, instead we will be at Dingwall Primary School. 7-8.30pm.
Go County Go
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