FBG's Charmed Cairngorm!!
Added on 09 October 2011
or should that be Cairngorm has charmed the FBG's?
Either way with the help of Steve Glew who acted as 'team & equipment support manager' for the day along with Skye, Alison & Annelise made it to the lower ski park at Cairngom having dropped off bikes enroute ready to tackle "The Cairngorm Charmer 2011".
This is promoted as
"A 'simply spiffing' 12-mile adventure relay event based at
CairnGorm Mountain passing through beautiful Glenmore Forest, along the tumbling Allt Mor trail and around Loch Morlich. The event is a 2-lap relay for teams of two, who in turn each complete a lap consisting of
4m Run + 4m Mountain Bike + 4m Run
(with a really 'charming' finish!)
All the event proceeds go to Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland
So after our fun at Gallop & Grind we'd decided to enter!
I think it could be classed as the ultimate XC - we got hills (last 2 miles you climbed up 669ft/ 204meters); mud; cold flowing fords to cross to ensure suitably soaked feet; rain and the usual boggy section or two - you get to do it twice (down & up) and have a wee spin on the bike through more mud as well!!! PERFECT!!
It is a tough race but the atmosphere is fantastic! We finished in a team time of 3hr54min07sec, with Annelise coming in at 2hr04 exactly and Alison in an amazing 1hr50min07sec
Now sitting in the warmth 24hrs later I'm still smiling at the fact that we've done it ... and even last night the thought of a repeat performance next year crossed my mind ... however the statement
"A marathon is easier to run than this"
is so true .....
.. so come on who else is up for it next year?